Marta Szydłowska replaced Mateusz Szymczak as the director of the Glass Expo
This is another promotion of Marta Szydłowska in the MTP group. Since last year, she has held the position of the head of the Stone Expo, on which she replaced Robert Mieldziuk.

- My intention is to pay special attention to the potential of glass in construction, architecture and design. We have been observing such trends for a long time on global markets. I hope that the Glass organization with the Stone industry trade fair will allow the exhibition of inspiring possibilities of glass and stone in this sector. Intensive work on the trade show program is under way. There are many challenges ahead of the team, but I am full of optimism that the upcoming edition will be even more interesting than the previous one - says Marta Szydłowska, director of Stone and Glass. Expo.